It is kind of like puberty, so much potential, physical upheaveal, and emotional challenges. Moon cycles change, body changes too and my mind, it is a confusing mess in there,…
It is kind of like puberty, so much potential, physical upheaveal, and emotional challenges. Moon cycles change, body changes too and my mind, it is a confusing mess in there,…
Husband requested a BRD today (Big Relationship Discussion). I was is in no mood and there was a crew of painters, carpenters and other cover-all covered men on my bottom…
God has a strange sense of humor. Now that I am in the throws of menopause, about every three months, my old friend comes to visit and with a vengeance.…
This is my dog Tripper, running in the ocean at Avila Beach My friend Lauren started a blog Jan 1, 2009 and I have been riveted and reading it every…