Writing Exercises: Character Traits- Lesson 2, The Basics

Character Traits- Lesson 2, The BasicsWe will continue on the creation of your little monster. The Basics tell as much about a person as any category. You will usually steal…

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Writing Lesson- Developing Dynamic Characters

CharacterNext step in creating your masterpiece is to establish your dynamic characters.  To make sure the main creature appearing in your writing/script is interesting to your audience, you must emphasizing…

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Writing Exercise- Turning Evil into Prose

Today’s lesson was slated to be on Characters, but I can’t seem to get that train on track. One of the best things I learned early in my writing career…

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Writing Exercise: Free Flow Writing

Today is writing fun day. No mind-bending lessons, just some word enjoyment. Mondays are brutal enough without adding another "todo" to your list.My first Writing teacher as an adult was…

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Writing Exercise- Plot

PLOTThe Plot is the “broomstick” that drives people to continue reading a book full of antidotes, because no matter how witty, citizens still crave a plot. There are theories that there…

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Writing Exercise: Story

I write my narrative in 5 different steps. Story, Plot, Character, Outline and Final First Draft (so named because the first draft has multitude of lives, usually around 20-30 rewrites).…

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Writing Exercise- Character Arch

Yesterday marked the ending of an epic battle with my current nemeses.Throughout my history, I have had a constant flow of these Machiavellian characters lurking in my peripheral vision. They…

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Writing Exercise- Character

While we are working on character, I think it is important to point out that places and things have character too. Yesterday, I was on assignment covering all the “dive…

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Writing Exercises- Day 5

Character. The first, most important step in writing is a character building experience. This is going to take the next 2 weeks, but when you are done, you will be…

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Writing Exercise Day 4

Let's write a short storyFirst we outline with a few details. Just make this up with the first thing that comes to your mind. 1.     Start with a character that…

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