Writing Exercise and a bit of Shameless Self Promotion

A bit of self-promotion for my other class- bear with me there is a assignment at the the end. Please forward this to every businessperson you know and I will reward you with high praise and candy.

Class Offered to Teach Businesses Social Media Marketing Tips

This award winning class will teach you how to enhance your business and bottom line using social media. We will cover every Social Media site with tips and tricks to get the maximum exposure for your business.
“A 3 hour class with Teri Bayus could change your life for sure. As a teacher she has excellent content and provides a performance as well as a presentation”. Stated Judy Salamacha, Director of the Central Coast Writers’ Conference. Shari Pearl, of Mother’s Tavern stated,  “I found the class very informative and interesting.  I appreciate your insights and recommendations and always enjoy learning more ways to improve our online presence and expand my skills.”
Whether an owner or employee, this class will make your marketing succeed.
You will learn tips for success and more on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yelp, Pinterest, You Tube, Fancy, Blogging and much more.
Every student receives a 50-page booklet to help guide him or her after the class. Class is July 10, 2013 at Exploration Station in Grover Beach from 5:30pm – 8:30 pm.
Sitting is limited so sign up today.
More info at www.teribayus.com or by calling (805) 305-0579.

Your writing assignment:  Write the best and worst thing that has happened to you because of Social Media. Make sure you contrast and you can use copy and paste for proper syntax.  I want at least 300 words for this so make sure to set up why each incident happened and how if affected you.