Each night before I settle me head down on my down pillow, I turn on my Kindle and take in a TED talk. These are 10-20 minute video lectures of positivity and creativity spoken by the best minds in the world. Always an impeccable bedtime story.

Possessing a sound mind and a bit of red wine, I planted a garden at midnight.

Do I anticipate problems?
Of course! Even if I did it the “right way”, I would have weeds, gophers, droughts and giant zucchini.
The point is that I did it. After arguing through the spring and summer with my husband about how to plant this garden, as he wanted raised beds with proper avian wire underneath to battle the gophers and a suitable fence to scuffle the deer and bunnies and twinkling old AOL CD’s to combat the crows, etc., etc. His was a war before one seed dropped. I wanted to throw the seeds in the dirt, mix in some horse and chicken poop and see what God gives us.
Now the garden is two fold- one an experiment in the age-old marital battle “who was right”. The other is a brain strengthening, life sustaining and produce-inducing plot of land. Anyone for a pumpkin-green bean?
Writing exercise:
Take a story and write it without any “thought” verbs. You may not use Thinks, Knows, Understands, Realizes, Believes, Wants, Remembers, Imagines, Desires, and a hundred others you love to use.
The list should also include: Loves and Hates.
You can also take an old story, and change it so it has no thought verbs. This is very good for honing your editing skills.
This brilliant lesson was from Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club and many other fantastic books) and it resonated with me so much, I am going to try and write this way forever. His whole lesson and explanation is at the link below. It is worth your time to try. Even if you are a new writer, it is a fun experiment.
I started watching the Ted Talks via Netflix a couple of weeks ago. They have been so uplifting and inspiration to my psyche.