My Lessons
21 Rules for Living:ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will…
21 Rules for Living:ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will…
Traveling can be the best part of the trip if you are married and looking for romance on the road. Traveling can give you precious time alone together with no…
I appeal to a small, select group of confused & disoriented and mostly drunk people. I dig that.I was asked to be a judge in the Second Annual Central Coast…
See if your personality matches with those that dwell at the beach. Are you really a beach bum or pretending to be one while basking in our warm weather and…
A person just asked me why I always seemed to be so happy. It's true, I am almost always in a good mood, and when sorrow or tragedy does set…
Why are all window washers crazy?I have been through two different window washers at my store in the last month. The windows do not need washing more than once a…
This is a real commercial. It so insulting and backwards, it's almost genuine. I wish I would have made it. In California it would have to be like 10 different…
Puppies. The definition brings to mind delight, joy, and elation. Cute floppy-eared, big-eyed babies traipsing through the daises. In reality, it is a biting, shitting, peeing and sleeping machine. Same…
Hostage. A word and state that can inspire fear or lust. I like being held hostage by a horny husband with a new toy and a couple of hours sans…
I find myself ADD- writing- impaired. I have embraced Facebook, Twitter, and the blogging to the point where all my free time and creative, witty comments are reduced to 140…