St. Georges Harbor, Grenada

This is my favorite harbor in the world. This is the place I go to in my dreams. I want to build a house here. I have the weather programed on my iphone. its always 82 degrees. We have been there three times. The first time Gary jumped off a waterfall and broke his back. He is still a legend on the island. the people are so kind, happy and warm.

About three years ago a hurricane blew 98% of the structures down. They have rebuilt the island (China came in and built the hospitals, cricket stadium and transportation, all for free, who do think side the Caribbean is going to take if they ever have to choose between us and China).

The library lost all its books, the roof flew off and they all flew away. so I send books to them monthly. We have an intricate way of getting them down there, since mailing is impossible and expensive. I send the books to Florida where a bunch of Sail Boat people (Boaters for Books) take them in there hulls when they sail to Grenada. There is a lot of hopscotching and poaching of the books, as the other islands, lost their books too and the are Librarians opportunistic. They need school books (imagine these poor teachers teaching without books!). How-to manuals, hardback novels (no racy stuff as they are quite prudish). Mostly they need children’s books, with black children and believe me these are hard to find. We sent a huge box of National Geographic and the teachers used them for lessons for a whole year.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. G

    Word is he was pushed. Or dared. Or his balls are bigger than his brain.

  2. Teri Bayus

    I think the last one!

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