Finding my new face
If I was the ruler of the universe, and lord knows I should be, I would make some things into a permanent, irrevocable law. These are my laws in order…
If I was the ruler of the universe, and lord knows I should be, I would make some things into a permanent, irrevocable law. These are my laws in order…
On June 25, 2009 a nice boy asked my daughter to marry him. They planned a year long engagement. They set the date on the 50th wedding anniversary of his…
The cow dog is happy to round up sleeping seagulls and chase them back into the ocean. He would not hurt them and has proved on many occasions. When a…
During the course of a person’s adolecsants they will go through many musical phases including but not limited to: “awkward,” “classic rock,” and “being really into a foreign country.” Of…
We have been on “puppy detail” for 5 days now. Our daughter went to Maui for her birthday and we got to watch the 10-week-old Malamute puppy, Nugget. He is…
Why are all window washers crazy?I have been through two different window washers at my store in the last month. The windows do not need washing more than once a…
New musings from a twisted mind full of nachos and wine on a raining day by the beach.I have a new philosophy- I’m only going to dread one day at…
I am abusively Facebooking, Twittering and Bloging. Each Morning, before I pee, I check four email addresses, Facebook, Twitter and see if I have any new comments on my blog…
It’s tough to know when it is spring in California. The weather is consistently 75 degrees with warm days (80-90) happening in January. It rains for only two weeks every…
The world is a mess and I just need to rule it.I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of water running downstairs. I was so excited that my husband…